GMP equalisation

‘GMP equalisation’ is the name for the action pension schemes are taking to make any changes needed to member benefits due to unequal Guaranteed Minimum Pensions (GMPs).

A High Court ruling in 2018 addressed how pension schemes should adjust member benefits to deal with different treatment between men and women for GMPs built up between 17 May 1990 and 5 April 1997.

We have completed this exercise for all RIGPSSALPS members who are receiving a pension. If you are a pensioner member affected, we will have written to you individually with the details. Frequently asked questions are still available here for your reference.

A subsequent High Court ruling from November 2020 also applies to former members of pension schemes who transferred out in the past. We are currently working through this part of the exercise – writing to affected former RIGPS and SALPS members who transferred out.

Select the other tabs in this section for more information about the current position. In particular, see questions [15–18][13–16].