Contact Points
If you have any questions about your pension please check the details below so that you send your queries to the correct place. This will help speed up the response you receive.
If you have any questions about your benefits in RIGPS you should contact the Pensions Administrators:
RSA Pensions Sunderland SR43 4JUIf you would like to contact your Scheme Trustees directly, you can write to the Chair of the Trustee Board using the details below:
David SmithRIGPSc/o RSA UK Pensions8th Floor, 22 BishopsgateLondonEC2N 4BQ
If you have a complaint concerning your RIGPS pension arrangements, you should first make a formal complaint to us. You can access our full complaints procedure here.
If we are unable to resolve the complaint with you, then you can refer your complaint to The Pensions Ombudsman.
The Pensions Ombudsman can be contacted at:
Tel: 0800 917 4487