
If you die before retiring with a deferred pension...

If you die while you are a Deferred member, certain benefits may be paid to your spouse or Civil Partner.

A spouse's or civil partner's pension will usually be paid, based on your deferred pension.

A lump sum may be payable, usually based on the contributions you have made during your membership

In all cases, you must check the specific details of your benefits with the Pensions Administration Team. The rules that apply to you may differ from other members because of the date you left the Scheme or your individual circumstances.

If you die after starting to take your pension...

If you die once your pension is in payment, certain benefits may be paid to your spouse or Civil Partner.

  • Five-year pension guarantee

If you die within five years of the date you retire a lump sum may be paid, subject to legal pension limits.

  • Spouse’s or civil partner’s pension

A spouse's or civil partner's pension will usually be paid, based on your deferred pension.

In all cases, you must check the specific details of your benefits with the Pensions Administration Team. The rules that apply to you may differ from other members because of the date you left the Scheme or your individual circumstances.

Expression of Wish form

The Trustee has the discretion to decide who should receive any lump sum which may be due if you die. You can inform the Trustee as to who you would like the lump sum paid to by completing an Expression of Wish form.

Your Expression of Wish Form will be taken into account by the Trustee in deciding who should receive the benefit, but it is not binding on the Trustee. This ensures that any lump sum paid out on death is free from inheritance tax.

Remember, as your personal circumstances change you should make sure you keep your Expression of Wish Form up-to-date.

Information about the impact of the changes introduced from 6th April 2024 are available on the HM Revenue & Customs allowances page.