Defined Contribution (DC) costs and charges for UKRF members

The Trustee has prepared illustrations of the cumulative impact of costs and charges on the assumed investment performance for a range of UKRF DC funds. Along with these illustrations, the Trustee has also provided information on how they have assessed the value for members provided by the UKRF, how the default investment funds offered to members are designed and governed, details of the net investment returns for each fund and information on the costs of investing in each fund. Members of the UKRF can view previous versions of this information by accessing archived versions of the Trustee Report and Accounts which are available on the .

Value for members assessment

In line with pension regulations, the Trustee arranges for an independent value for members assessment to be carried out each year of whether the DC funds of the UKRF offer value for its members. The Trustee was pleased to note that this independent assessment reported that the UKRF offers excellent value for its DC members.

The Defined Contribution default investment funds

The Trustee regularly reviews the design of the UKRF's default investment funds and their investment objectives. A triennial review of the UKRF Lifestyle Fund range was carried out in 2022.

Charges and transaction costs

The Trustee has collated details of the investment manager charges and transaction costs, as defined by regulations, for each of the UKRF’s DC investment funds. This includes a description of what these charges and costs comprise and a list of the charges and costs for each of the UKRF’s investment funds for the year to 30 September 2023.

DC members of the UKRF do not pay towards the administration costs of the UKRF and therefore it is only these investment costs which are deducted from members’ funds.

Effect of charges on members’ funds

The Trustee has produced a set of illustration tables to show the possible impact that investment costs and charges may have on members’ retirement savings. These illustrations have been produced in line with the latest guidance from the Department for Work and Pensions.

The Trustee recommends that members look at how to read the illustration tables before reviewing the illustrations.

The illustrations broadly represent the UKRF’s DC membership when considering age, current retirement savings amounts, the funds members have chosen to invest in and the different charges involved.

Net investment returns and asset allocation

Annualised returns over 1, 3 and 5 years to 30 September 2023, net of transaction costs and charges, are provided for all of the investment options available to members of the UKRF. The assets held by the UKRF Lifestyle Fund range are shown as at 30 September 2023.

How to read the illustration tables

It is important to note that the illustration tables are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. All of the illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. In reality the value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members' retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

The illustrations also assume the investment charges and transaction costs remain the same and are deducted each year. In reality the costs and charges will fluctuate each year.

The illustrations are not designed to provide UKRF members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. DC members of the UKRF should review their latest benefit statement which is available on the .

The diagrams below show you how to read the tables.

An image showing how to read the Fund Illustration tables An image showing how to read the Fund Illustration tables

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

More information on the DC investment funds available for UKRF members

Members of the UKRF can check where the UKRF's DC funds are invested and their performance on the .

Statement of Investment Principles

Following consultation with Barclays Bank PLC, the Trustee has agreed a statement of investment principles for the UKRF that sets out how the Trustee invests.

Man at a desk

Value for members assessment

The Trustee assesses, at least annually, whether the DC elements of the UKRF deliver value for members. In the Trustee’s view, charges and transaction costs are likely to represent good value for members where the combination of member-borne costs and what is provided for the costs is appropriate for the membership as a whole, and when compared to other options available in the market.

The Trustee has engaged Barnett Waddingham, a specialist DC consultant, to advise the Trustee on DC governance matters and in particular to carry out an independent value for members assessment in line with codes of practice and guidance issued by the Pensions Regulator (TPR).

In December 2023 the Trustee received the independent value for members assessment covering the year to 30 September 2023 and was pleased to note again that the UKRF continues to offer excellent value for its members, given the range, quality and nature of the services provided. The key reasons for this conclusion include the robust governance processes and that members only pay the investment costs of the funds in which they are invested, which are very competitive when compared to other schemes of this nature. All other running costs are paid for by the UKRF.

Recognising that low cost does not necessarily mean good value, the assessment also considered the value for members delivered by the UKRF’s DC investment arrangements, i.e. those services for which the costs and charges are deducted from members’ funds. All relevant aspects of the UKRF’s investments were reviewed, including the governance structure, design and monitoring arrangements. Consideration was also made of the member-borne costs relative to other options in the market. The assessment reported no areas in which the DC investment arrangements detracted value.

In addition, the Trustee believes that the transaction costs provide value for members, as the ability for the investment managers to transact forms an integral part of the investment process, and gives potential for greater investment returns net of charges over time. The Trustee continues to monitor the levels of transaction costs.

The Trustee undertakes a proportionate annual assessment of the value for members offered by the AVC policies that were historically available to invest in and which are held outside the main UKRF DC investment options. These are typically With-Profits policies.

The Trustee is confident that these AVC policies continue to offer reasonable value to members and does not expect the value for members to change. The key reasons for this conclusion remain that by investing in With-Profits policies members have benefited from a capital guarantee and positive investment returns in recent years, despite higher levels of fees, and their funds are invested with major insurance companies with open books of business.

In 2021, the Trustee reviewed the type and level of protection for members’ investments held by the UKRF and concluded that there are appropriate protections and segregation of assets in place. In carrying out this review the Trustee considered:

  • The legal structure of each fund to understand the protections in place in the event of insolvency of either the investment manager or custodian;
  • The levels of indemnity insurance in place at the investment managers and custodian; and
  • The rules of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) to understand which of the UKRF’s DC investment funds may be able to make a claim on the FSCS.

The Trustee will continue to monitor the type and level of protection of assets across the UKRF’s investment fund range. In the event that any changes are made to the UKRF fund range in future, the Trustee will consider and determine if a further review of these protections is required.

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Woman looking through a magnifying glass

The Defined Contribution default investment funds

Members who did not make an active investment decision on joining the UKRF had their contributions invested in the UKRF Lifestyle Fund ranges, which are series of funds that offer members flexibility to target the year in which they expect to access their retirement savings. These were the “default investment funds” for the UKRF over the reporting period. The Trustee has also made available a range of other DC investment options that members can choose to invest in (known as the self-select range).

The Trustee is responsible for the UKRF’s investment governance. This includes setting the investment objective for the default investment funds, which considers the needs of the membership in conjunction with the Trustee’s investment objectives. The Trustee concluded the last triennial review of the UKRF Lifestyle Fund ranges in the reporting period which covered:

  • A review of both the strategy and the performance of the default investment funds, and the extent to which the return on the investments (after deduction of investment charges) was consistent with the Trustee’s aims and objectives for the default funds;
  • An assessment of the appropriateness of the lifestyle glide path, and its target endpoint portfolio, utilised in the default investment funds. This assessment included consideration of the ways members are choosing to access their benefits at retirement;
  • An assessment of the performance of each investment option available through the self-select range; and
  • A review of the membership profile including consideration of the number and risk profile of investment funds offered to members as an alternative to the default investment funds.

The review confirmed that the default investment funds remain appropriate as they are likely to provide good member outcomes at retirement. The next triennial review is scheduled for 2025.

There are two UKRF Lifestyle Fund ranges in place, both of which are classed as default investment funds.

  • The UKRF Lifestyle Fund range – This default investment fund was launched in February 2017 and is open to all members. Members many years from retirement are invested in a diversified mixture of assets, with the aim of generating capital growth ahead of inflation over the long term. Members at their target retirement date are invested in a range of investments with the aim of being broadly aligned to the wider range of options now available when accessing retirement savings. During the 10-year period before a member’s target retirement date, members’ investments are phased between these two allocations (this is known as the glide path). Members should select the UKRF Lifestyle Fund that is closest to the date at which they plan to access their retirement savings. For example, if a member was born in 1980 and planned to access their retirement savings at age 60, their target retirement date would be 2040 and they should select the UKRF Lifestyle 2040 Fund.
  • The UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Fund range – Members at their target retirement date are invested predominantly in bonds and cash with the aim of providing a broad compromise between capital protection and tracking movements in annuity prices. This fund range is only comprised of the UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Mature Fund.

Investments in the UKRF Lifestyle Fund ranges are made through index-tracking funds, derivatives or segregated assets.

The UKRF Diversified Growth Fund

The UKRF Lifestyle Fund range is comprised of underlying pooled investment funds, which includes the UKRF Diversified Growth Fund (DGF). The DGF is also available as a self-select fund.

In Q3 2023, the Trustee agreed to amend the volatility target of the DGF from 9% to 10%. “Volatility targets” are used as a tool to guide investment managers on the level of risk to take within an investment portfolio and the Trustee believes that increasing the volatility target of the DGF will better position the fund to reach its investment objective.

Statement of Investment Principles (SIP)

The Trustee has a SIP which governs its decisions about default investment funds (as well as the other DC investment options). The SIP is reviewed annually, or following a material change in investment policy and was last updated in October 2023.

A copy of the UKRF’s SIP is available here. The SIP includes the Trustee’s policy on the types of investments it considers appropriate and how it recognises and monitors investment risk. The SIP covers the:

  • Trustee’s investment responsibilities;
  • Investment objectives of the UKRF;
  • Investment strategy of the UKRF, including the expected return on investments;
  • Investment risks involved and the Trustee’s methods for managing these;
  • Trustee’s policy in relation to how it takes environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into consideration and the stewardship of investments; and
  • Other relevant investment policies including the Trustee’s policy on the use of derivatives and employer related investments.

The Trustee has reviewed the performance of all of the DC investment options, including the default investment funds, on a quarterly basis and is satisfied that the long term performance is in line with the aims and objectives of each fund. A summary of the investment returns for each of the available DC investment options, along with fund factsheets and an investment guide (which provides more detail on the default investment funds and glide path), can be found on the .

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Charges and transaction costs

The Trustee assessed the charges and transaction costs borne by members over the reporting period, for each of the investment funds in which members are invested, and has considered the extent to which the services these charges and costs relate to deliver value for members. The Trustee monitors the charges and transaction costs, to the extent updated information is available, on a regular basis.

DC investment funds available within the UKRF

The table below shows the total expense ratio and transaction costs for each investment fund available to members of the UKRF:

  • Total expense ratio – This is the charge levied by the investment manager each year and is a measure of the provider’s total costs for managing and operating the investment fund. The charge consists primarily of management fees and additional expenses, such as fixed trading fees, legal fees, and the manager’s auditor and custody fees. The total expense ratio for the UKRF’s default investment funds varies depending on how far the member is from their target retirement date, as the mix of underlying assets changes.
  • Transaction costs – For all funds, including the default investment funds, there are additional transaction costs paid by members. These arise when the investment managers trade within the funds and include commission, taxes, levies and the cost of stock lending. The level of transaction costs can vary depending on whether an investment fund is actively or passively managed. Transaction costs can also vary from year to year depending on the amount of transactional activity carried out by a fund.

For the UKRF Lifestyle Fund ranges the table shows:

  • The costs for the UKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund (where assets are invested if members do not access their retirement savings at their target date);
  • The costs for each of the ten funds currently on the glide path (the UKRF Lifestyle 2024 – 2033 Funds); and
  • The cost of the funds that have yet to enter the glide path (the UKRF Lifestyle 2034 – 2062 Funds).

The table also includes the costs for the UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Mature Fund (where assets are invested if members do not access their retirement savings at their target date).

Transaction costs for each default and self-select fund have been obtained for the reporting period. There is no transaction cost data missing for any of the UKRF’s investment options. Further information on each investment fund can be found in the individual fund factsheets, which are available to members on .

The UKRF Lifestyle Fund range (default)

Fund Type of management* Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 2023 Transaction costs for year to 30 September 2023 Total costs for year to 30 September 2023
FundUKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.21% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.09% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.30%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2024 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.21% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.09% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.30%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2025 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.22% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.32%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2026 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.23% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.33%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2027 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.24% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.34%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2028 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.25% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.35%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2029 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.26% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.36%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2030 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.27% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.11% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.38%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2031 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.28% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.11% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.39%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2032 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.29% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.11% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.40%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2033 Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.29% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.11% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.40%
FundUKRF Lifestyle 2034 – 2062 Funds Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.30% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.11% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.41%

The UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Fund range (default)

Fund Type of management* Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 2023 Transaction costs for year to 30 September 2023 Total costs for year to 30 September 2023
FundUKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Mature Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.12% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.22%

Other DC investment options (self-select)

Fund Type of management* Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 2023 Transaction costs for year to 30 September 2023 Total costs for year to 30 September 2023
FundUKRF UK Equity Index Fund Type of management*Passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.06% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.01% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.07%
FundUKRF Global (ex-UK) Equity Index Fund Type of management*Passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.07% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 2023<0.01% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.07%
FundUKRF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund Type of management*Passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.30%** Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.40%
FundUKRF Sustainable Equity Fund Type of management*Active Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.80% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 2023<0.01% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.80%
FundUKRF Diversified Growth Fund Type of management*Active Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.30%*** Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.11% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.41%
FundUKRF Sterling Corporate Bond Fund Type of management*Active Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.26%** Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.06% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.32%
FundUKRF Over 15 Years UK Gilt Index Fund Type of management*Passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.08% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.13% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.21%
FundUKRF Over 5 Years Index-Linked UK Gilt Index Fund Type of management*Passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.08% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.38% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.46%
FundUKRF Mixed (Gilts, Cash and Growth) Fund Type of management*Active and passive Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.15% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.10% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.25%
FundUKRF Cash Fund Type of management*Active Total expense ratio for year to 30 September 20230.12% Transaction costs for year to 30 September 20230.01% Total costs for year to 30 September 20230.13%

* In a passively managed fund, the investment manager aims to match the return of a specific index. They do this by investing in assets that are broadly the same as those in the index. An active manager uses their expertise to select investments that they believe will perform better than an index over a period of time. As active funds require more time and involvement from the manager they tend to have higher costs than passive funds. The UKRF Lifestyle Fund ranges and the UKRF Mixed (Gilts, Cash and Growth) Fund invest in a mixture of actively and passively managed funds.

** Over the Fund year the Trustee was informed that there had been an error with the TERs reported in the Annual Report and Accounts between September 2014 and September 2022 in respect of the UKRF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund and the UKRF Sterling Corporate Bond Fund. The costs reported were between 0.01% and 0.03% lower than the costs actually incurred by members. This is a reporting error only and there has been no impact on members’ investments which will have incurred the correct costs. The error occurred because the investment manager for these two funds, BlackRock, mis-interpretated the expense information they received from the fund administrator and therefore shared incorrect costs for reporting purposes. More information about this error can be found within the Report & Accounts area of ePA.

*** Over the Fund year the Trustee was informed that there had been an error in the TER reported in respect of the UKRF Diversified Growth Fund in the Annual Report and Accounts between September 2017 and September 2022. The costs reported were between 0.01% and 0.03% lower than the costs actually incurred by members. This is a reporting error only and there has been no impact on members’ investments which will have incurred the correct costs. The error occurred because the full extent of the fund administration costs incurred in the management of the DGF have not been taken into account when reporting the TER. More information about this error can be found within the Trustee Reports and Procedures area of ePA.

External with profit AVC policies

As noted earlier in the Value for members assessment section, some UKRF members have invested AVCs in the past in external With-Profits funds. These policies provide DC benefits to members and charges are deducted from the members’ savings. The charges and costs for these funds are:

Fund Information on charges
FundAviva (ex Norwich Union) Information on chargesAviva has reported annual administration charges of 0.88% and total transaction costs of 0.039% (comprised of a “buying and selling” cost of 0.037% and a “lending and borrowing” cost of 0.002%) for Aviva With Profit (NU) Standard Series 01 Pension, as of 30 June 2023.
FundAviva (ex Friends Life) Information on chargesAviva has reported annual administration charges of 2.75% and total transaction costs of 0.028% (comprised of a “buying and selling” cost of 0.025% and a “lending and borrowing” cost of 0.003%) for the Aviva Secure Growth Fund (ex L&M) fund as of 30 June 2023.
FundPhoenix Life Information on chargesPhoenix Life has reported transaction costs of 0.10% for the year to 31 March 2023 and a total expense ratio of 0.55% for regular premiums and 1.21% for single premiums for the year to 30 June 2023.

The AVC providers have been unable to share cost data for the full reporting period. Therefore, the most up to date cost data available has been reported in the above table.

The charges deducted from the With-Profits funds include the cost of administering the fund, whereas the Total Expense Ratio applied to the UKRF investment funds just refers to the investment costs.

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Effect of charges on members’ funds

The Trustee has provided illustrative examples of the cumulative effect over time of the charges and costs shown above on the value of a representative sample of members’ DC savings. The following pages provide these illustrations for a range of investment funds and a range of different member DC pot sizes that are broadly comparable to the most common DC pot sizes currently found in the UKRF. The Trustee followed statutory guidance when preparing these illustrations and gathering data for the assumptions used.

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on retirement savings. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their retirement savings may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

Illustration assumptions

The table below shows the assumed rates of growth used in the illustrations. These are the same headline assumed growth rates as used in the annual member benefit statements. The illustrations work by assuming the growth rates in the table are achieved each year, while the total expense ratio for the reporting period and the average transaction costs for the last five reporting periods are deducted each year. In reality the investment returns and costs and charges will fluctuate each year. For reference the table below also shows the actual returns achieved in the five years to 30 September 2023.

It should be noted that the assumed rates of growth are reviewed annually and, if necessary, are adjusted to reflect up to date market conditions. The assumed rates of growth used in the 2023 statement are higher than those used in the 2022 statement.

The UKRF investment funds for which illustrations have been provided Assumed rates of growth (per year) above inflation (assumed to be 2.5%) Actual returns for fund in five years to 30 September 2023 Average transaction costs (over the previous five years)
* Actual performance is the same for all funds as all were more than 10 years from maturity date.
The UKRF investment funds for which illustrations have been provided UKRF Lifestyle Fund range
2034 – 2062 Funds
Assumed rates of growth (per year) above inflation (assumed to be 2.5%) 3.0% while the fund is more than 10 years from its maturity date. Actual returns for fund in five years to 30 September 2023 0.4%* Average transaction costs(over the previous five years) 0.18%
The UKRF investment funds for which illustrations have been provided UKRF Lifestyle Fund range glide path Funds
2024 – 2033
Assumed rates of growth (per year) above inflation (assumed to be 2.5%) 2.87% (2033 Fund)
1.65% (2024 Fund) depending on the fund invested in.
Actual returns for fund in five years to 30 September 2023 2024 Fund: –1.4%
2025 Fund: –1.2%
2026 Fund: –1.0%
2027 Fund: –0.8%
2028 Fund: –0.5%
2029 Fund: –0.4%
2030 Fund: –0.1%
2031 Fund: 0.2%
2032 Fund: 0.3%
2033 Fund: 0.4%
Average transaction costs(over the previous five years) 2024 Fund: 0.11%
2025 Fund: 0.12%
2026 Fund: 0.13%
2027 Fund: 0.14%
2028 Fund: 0.15%
2029 Fund: 0.16%
2030 Fund: 0.17%
2031 Fund: 0.17%
2032 Fund: 0.18%
2033 Fund: 0.18%
The UKRF investment funds for which illustrations have been provided UKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund Assumed rates of growth (per year) above inflation (assumed to be 2.5%) 1.50% Actual returns for fund in five years to 30 September 2023 -1.7% Average transaction costs(over the previous five years) 0.09%
The UKRF investment funds for which illustrations have been provided UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Mature Fund Assumed rates of growth (per year) above inflation (assumed to be 2.5%) 1.00% Actual returns for fund in five years to 30 September 2023 -5.9% Average transaction costs(over the previous five years) 0.02%
The UKRF investment funds for which illustrations have been provided UKRF Global (ex UK) Equity Index Fund Assumed rates of growth (per year) above inflation (assumed to be 2.5%) 4.50% Actual returns for fund in five years to 30 September 2023 9.3% Average transaction costs(over the previous five years) -0.01%
The UKRF investment funds for which illustrations have been provided UKRF Sustainable Equity Fund Assumed rates of growth (per year) above inflation (assumed to be 2.5%) 4.50% Actual returns for fund in five years to 30 September 2023 7.5% Average transaction costs(over the previous five years) 0.01%

Guidance to the illustrations

The following notes on the illustrations should also be read;

  1. Projected pot sizes are shown in today’s terms and do not need to be reduced further for the effects of future inflation.
  2. The starting pot sizes of £1,500, £8,000 and £30,000 have been selected as they broadly reflect the 25th percentile, median and 75th percentile respectively based on membership demographics in 2023.
  3. Inflation is assumed to be 2.5% per year. The Trustee is aware that inflation has exceeded this over the course of the reporting period. However, the Trustee believes that retaining this long term inflation assumption continues to be the correct approach for these illustrations.
  4. Unless stated each illustration assumes up to 45 years of membership to cover how long the youngest UKRF member has before reaching state pension age (assumed to be 68).
  5. No future contributions are accounted for in the illustrations.
  6. Values shown are estimates and not guaranteed.
  7. The starting date for the illustrations is 30 September 2023.
  8. The rates of growth used in the illustrations are calculated by reference to the Financial Reporting Council’s AS TM1.
  9. The illustrations are based on an average of the past 5 years’ transaction costs.

The illustrations are presented in two different ways:

  • For the UKRF Lifestyle Funds the illustrations should be read based on the number of years until the member’s chosen fund reaches its target date. This is because the underlying asset allocation in these funds changes over time (the ‘glide path’) and this needs to be reflected in the illustrations.
  • For the self-select funds and the UKRF Lifestyle Mature Funds there is no glide path and therefore the illustrations should be read based upon the number of years (from 30 September 2023) that a member expects to be invested in those funds.

Illustrations are provided for the UKRF investment funds that meet the criteria below. These are the funds that:

  • Have the lowest cost;
  • Have the highest cost; and
  • Are part of the default investment range.

Illustrations for the open default investment fund

UKRF Lifestyle Fund 2034 – 2062 Funds

An illustration is provided for these funds as they are part of the default investment fund. Please note:

  • If a member is invested in one of these funds then they are at least 10 years from the date at which they plan to access their retirement savings, therefore this illustration starts at 10 years to retirement.
  • While a member is more than 10 years from their target retirement date, these funds invest in the UKRF DGF which aims to grow the value of their DC retirement savings over the long term. Then, during the 10 years leading up to their target retirement date, it steadily introduces gilts and cash investment allocations before they reach their target retirement date. This is known as the glide path and the illustrations include the effect of these changes to the underlying investments.
  • If the member does not access their savings when their fund reaches its target date, their savings will be moved to the UKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund and they should review the relevant illustration to see the impact this would have on their retirement savings.
  • As these are indicative illustrations members should choose the number of years that is closest to their actual target retirement date. For example, as the starting date for the illustration is 30 September 2023, if a member’s target retirement date was 2043, they should review the 20 year line of the illustration.
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date Starting pot size £1,500 Starting pot size £8,000 Starting pot size £30,000
Before charges After charges Before charges After charges Before charges After charges
Note on how to read this table: If a member has invested £1,500 in this fund, and reaches their target retirement date in ten years’ time, their fund could grow to £1,883 if no charges are applied but to £1,812 with charges applied.
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date10 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£1,883 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£1,812 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£10,042 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£9,663 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£37,657 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£36,234
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date15 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£2,175 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£2,046 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£11,600 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£10,913 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£43,500 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£40,924
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date20 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£2,512 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£2,311 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£13,400 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£12,326 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£50,249 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£46,221
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date25 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£2,902 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£2,610 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£15,479 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£13,921 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£58,046 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£52,203
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date30 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£3,353 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£2,948 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£17,881 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£15,723 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£67,053 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£58,960
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date35 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£3,873 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£3,330 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£20,655 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£17,758 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£77,457 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£66,591
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date40 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£4,474 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£3,760 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£23,860 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£20,056 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£89,475 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£75,209
Years from 30 September 2023 until Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date45 Starting pot size of £1,500 - before charges£5,168 Starting pot size of £1,500 - after charges£4,247 Starting pot size of £8,000 - before charges£27,562 Starting pot size of £8,000 - after charges£22,652 Starting pot size of £30,000 - before charges£103,358 Starting pot size of £30,000 - after charges£84,944

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

UKRF Lifestyle Fund range glide path 2024 – 2033

An illustration is provided for these funds as they are part of the default investment fund. Please note:

  • If a member is invested in one of these funds, they are within 10 years of their target retirement date.
  • During the 10 years leading up to their target retirement date, these funds steadily introduce gilts and cash investment allocations before they reach their target date. This is known as the glide path and the illustration below includes the effect of these changes to the underlying investments.

If the member does not access their savings when the fund reaches its target date, their savings will be moved to the UKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund and they should review the relevant illustration to see the impact this would have on their retirement savings.

Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date Starting pot size £1,500 Starting pot size £8,000 Starting pot size £30,000
Before charges After charges Before charges After charges Before charges After charges
Note on how to read this table: If a member has invested £1,500 in the UKRF Lifestyle 2024 Fund on 30 September 2023, the fund could grow at its target date (in 2024) to £1,526 if no charges are applied but to £1,521 with charges applied.
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2024 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,526 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,521 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,137 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,111 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£30,513 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£30,417
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2025 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,554 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,544 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,286 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,233 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£31,074 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£30,874
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2026 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,584 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,569 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,450 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,366 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£31,687 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£31,374
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2027 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,618 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,596 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,628 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,511 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£32,354 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£31,918
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2028 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,654 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,625 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,821 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,669 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£33,077 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£32,508
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2029 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,693 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,657 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,029 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,839 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£33,860 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£33,146
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2030 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,735 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,692 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,255 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,022 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£34,706 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£33,834
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2031 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,781 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,729 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,499 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,220 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£35,620 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£34,576
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2032 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,830 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,769 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,761 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,434 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£36,604 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£35,376
Year when Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date2033 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,883 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,812 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£10,042 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,663 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£37,657 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£36,234

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

UKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund

An illustration is provided for this fund as it is part of the default investment fund. A member’s savings will be invested here when their selected UKRF Lifestyle Fund reaches its target date which is usually around the time members expect to access their retirement savings. This illustration covers a maximum period of 15 years as this is not expected to be a long term investment option.

Years of investment from 30 September 2023 Starting pot size £1,500 Starting pot size £8,000 Starting pot size £30,000
Before charges After charges Before charges After charges Before charges After charges
Note on how to read this table: If a member has invested £1,500 in this fund on 30 September 2023 for one year, the fund value could grow to £1,522 if no charges are applied but would be £1,518 with charges applied.
Years of investment from 30 September 20231 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,522 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,518 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,117 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,094 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£30,439 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£30,352
Years of investment from 30 September 20233 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,567 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,553 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,356 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,285 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£31,336 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£31,068
Years of investment from 30 September 20235 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,613 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,590 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,603 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,480 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£32,260 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£31,801
Years of investment from 30 September 202310 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,735 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,686 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,251 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,989 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£34,691 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£33,710
Years of investment from 30 September 202315 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,865 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,787 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,948 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,529 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£37,305 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£35,734

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

Illustrations for the closed default fund

UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Mature Fund

An illustration is provided for this fund as it is part of the closed default investment fund. Members’ savings will be invested here when their UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Fund reaches its target date which is usually around the time they expect to access their retirement savings. This illustration covers a maximum period of 15 years as this is not expected to be a long term investment option.

Years of investment from 30 September 2023 Starting pot size £1,500 Starting pot size £8,000 Starting pot size £30,000
Before charges After charges Before charges After charges Before charges After charges
Note on how to read this table: If a member has invested £1,500 in this fund on 30 September 2023 for one year, the fund could grow to £1,515 if no charges are applied but £1,512 with charges applied.
Years of investment from 30 September 20231 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,515 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,512 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,078 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,067 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£30,293 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£30,249
Years of investment from 30 September 20233 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,544 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,538 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,236 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,201 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£30,887 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£30,755
Years of investment from 30 September 20235 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,575 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,563 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,398 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,338 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£31,492 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£31,268
Years of investment from 30 September 202310 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,653 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,630 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,816 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,691 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£33,059 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£32,590
Years of investment from 30 September 202315 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,735 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,698 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,254 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,058 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£34,703 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£33,968

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

Illustrations for the self-select funds

UKRF Global (ex UK) Equity Index Fund

An illustration is provided for this fund as it is the self-select fund with the lowest charges.

Years of investment from 30 September 2023 Starting pot size £1,500 Starting pot size £8,000 Starting pot size £30,000
Before charges After charges Before charges After charges Before charges After charges
Note on how to read this table: If a member has invested £1,500 in this fund on 30 September 2023 for one year, their fund could grow to £1,566 if no charges are applied but to £1,564 with charges applied.
Years of investment from 30 September 20231 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,566 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,564 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,351 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,340 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£31,317 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£31,276
Years of investment from 30 September 20235 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,859 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,847 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,917 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,853 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£37,190 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£36,947
Years of investment from 30 September 202310 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£2,305 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£2,275 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£12,294 Starting pot size £7,000 - after charges£12,134 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£46,102 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£45,504
Years of investment from 30 September 202315 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£2,858 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£2,802 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£15,240 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£14,944 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£57,150 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£56,041
Years of investment from 30 September 202320 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£3,542 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£3,451 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£18,892 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£18,405 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£70,847 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£69,019
Years of investment from 30 September 202325 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£4,391 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£4,250 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£23,420 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£22,667 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£87,825 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£85,002
Years of investment from 30 September 202330 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£5,444 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£5,234 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£29,033 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£27,917 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£108,873 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£104,687
Years of investment from 30 September 202335 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£6,748 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£6,447 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£35,990 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£34,381 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£134,964 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£128,930
Years of investment from 30 September 202340 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£8,365 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£7,939 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£44,616 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£42,343 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£167,308 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£158,788
Years of investment from 30 September 202345 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£10,370 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£9,778 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£55,308 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£52,149 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£207,404 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£195,559

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

UKRF Sustainable Equity Fund

An illustration is provided for this fund as it is the self-select fund with the highest level of charges.

Years of investment from 30 September 2023 Starting pot size £1,500 Starting pot size £8,000 Starting pot size £30,000
Before charges After charges Before charges After charges Before charges After charges
Note on how to read this table: If a member has invested £1,500 in this fund on 30 September 2023 for one year, their fund could grow to £1,566 if no charges are applied but to £1,554 with charges applied.
Years of investment from 30 September 20231 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,566 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,554 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£8,351 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£8,288 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£31,317 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£31,079
Years of investment from 30 September 20235 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£1,859 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£1,790 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£9,917 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£9,546 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£37,190 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£35,799
Years of investment from 30 September 202310 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£2,305 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£2,136 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£12,294 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£11,392 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£46,102 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£42,720
Years of investment from 30 September 202315 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£2,858 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£2,549 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£15,240 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£13,594 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£57,150 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£50,978
Years of investment from 30 September 202320 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£3,542 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£3,042 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£18,892 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£16,222 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£70,847 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£60,832
Years of investment from 30 September 202325 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£4,391 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£3,630 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£23,420 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£19,358 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£87,825 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£72,592
Years of investment from 30 September 202330 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£5,444 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£4,331 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£29,033 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£23,100 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£108,873 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£86,624
Years of investment from 30 September 202335 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£6,748 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£5,168 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£35,990 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£27,565 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£134,964 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£103,370
Years of investment from 30 September 202340 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£8,365 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£6,168 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£44,616 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£32,894 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£167,308 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£123,352
Years of investment from 30 September 202345 Starting pot size £1,500 - before charges£10,370 Starting pot size £1,500 - after charges£7,360 Starting pot size £8,000 - before charges£55,308 Starting pot size £8,000 - after charges£39,253 Starting pot size £30,000 - before charges£207,404 Starting pot size £30,000 - after charges£147,197

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

Additional information on the pot sizes used in the illustrations

For many members, the DC section of the UKRF is a top-up to benefits they have built up in either the final salary section or in the cash balance section (called ‘Afterwork’). The pot sizes used in the above illustrations reflect the comparatively small size of DC benefits compared to the final salary and cash balance benefits. The pots have been calculated with reference to each element of DC benefits within the UKRF, including DB AVCs and pure DC benefits, such as the Retirement Investment Scheme (RIS). The RIS has a large number of members with small DC pots (this is a historic section with no active members where members tended to save small amounts for a short period of time).

The pot sizes used for the illustrations are detailed in the guidance to the illustrations above. By way of comparison, active members of Afterwork have an average DC pot size of £26,786, but an average cash balance fund value of £70,000 which demonstrates how the DC section tends to be a top-up to other benefits in the UKRF. The illustrations shown do not include the cash balance section.

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Net investment returns and asset allocation

The table below provides the annualised returns net of transaction costs and charges of all of the investment options members were able to select during the reporting period. This includes each of the funds that make up the default investment range and each of the self-select options available to members during the reporting period. The table also includes details of the assets under management for each fund. A single combined assets under management value is included for the range of default investment funds that members less than 10 years from retirement will invest in.

A benchmark is not provided for the UKRF Lifestyle Funds, UKRF Mixed (Gilts, Cash and Growth) Fund or UKRF Diversified Growth Fund.

The UKRF Lifestyle Fund range (default)

Investment options 1yr net return % 3yr net return % (p.a.) 5yr net return % (p.a.) Assets invested (£m)
Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-1.5 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-6.6 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.7 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A Assets invested (£m)62
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2024 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-1.0 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-5.3 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.4 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A Assets invested (£m)578
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2025 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-0.5 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-4.8 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.2 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2026 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-0.1 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-4.3 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.0 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2027 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund0.4 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-3.7 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-0.8 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2028 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund0.8 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-3.2 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-0.5 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2029 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund1.2 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-2.7 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-0.4 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2030 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund1.7 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-2.2 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-0.1 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2031 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund2.3 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.7 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund0.2 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2032 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund2.6 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.5 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund0.3 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2033 Fund 1yr net return % - Fund3.2 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.3 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund0.4 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2034 – 2062 Funds 1yr net return % - Fund3.1 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.4 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund0.4 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A Assets invested (£m)557

Returns are as at 30 September 2023

The UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Fund range (default)

Investment options 1yr net return % 3yr net return % (p.a.) 5yr net return % (p.a.) Assets invested (£m)
Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Mature Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-8.6 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-15.5 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-5.9 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A Assets invested (£m)34

Returns are as at 30 September 2023

Other DC investment options (self-select)

Investment options 1yr net return % 3yr net return % (p.a.) 5yr net return % (p.a.) Assets invested (£m)
Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark
Investment optionsUKRF UK Equity Index Fund 1yr net return % - Fund13.9 1yr net return % - Benchmark13.8 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund11.9 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark11.8 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund3.7 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark3.7 Assets invested (£m)106
Investment optionsUKRF Global (ex-UK) Equity Index Fund 1yr net return % - Fund11.9 1yr net return % - Benchmark11.8 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund10.3 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark10.0 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund9.3 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark9.0 Assets invested (£m)334
Investment optionsUKRF Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund 1yr net return % - Fund1.9 1yr net return % - Benchmark2.2 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund0.0 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark0.2 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund1.8 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark1.9 Assets invested (£m)27
Investment optionsUKRF Sustainable Equity Fund 1yr net return % - Fund4.6 1yr net return % - Benchmark10.5 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund7.4 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark9.5 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund7.5 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark17.8 Assets invested (£m)28
Investment optionsUKRF Diversified Growth Fund 1yr net return % - Fund3.1 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-1.4 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund0.4 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A Assets invested (£m)74
Investment optionsUKRF Sterling Corporate Bond Fund 1yr net return % - Fund7.0 1yr net return % - Benchmark7.0 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-6.0 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark-6.0 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-0.7 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark-1.0 Assets invested (£m)6
Investment optionsUKRF Over 15 Years UK Gilt Index Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-12.8 1yr net return % - Benchmark-12.8 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-20.7 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark-20.7 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-8.3 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark-8.4 Assets invested (£m)6
Investment optionsUKRF Over 5 Years Index-Linked UK Gilt Index Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-15.9 1yr net return % - Benchmark-16.2 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-15.9 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark-15.9 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-6.4 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark-6.4 Assets invested (£m)9
Investment optionsUKRF Mixed (Gilts, Cash and Growth) Fund 1yr net return % - Fund-6.9 1yr net return % - BenchmarkN/A 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-13.5 3yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund-4.9 5yr net return % (p.a.) - BenchmarkN/A Assets invested (£m)34
Investment optionsUKRF Cash Fund 1yr net return % - Fund4.0 1yr net return % - Benchmark4.1 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund1.5 3yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark1.5 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Fund1.1 5yr net return % (p.a.) - Benchmark1.1 Assets invested (£m)24

Returns are as at 30 September 2023

For investment strategies where the investment returns vary with age, the Trustee is required to show the returns for a member aged 25, 45, and 55 at the start of the reporting period. The target date structure of the UKRF’s investment options already reflects any such variation and there is therefore no need to present information in this way.

Some UKRF members have invested AVCs in the past in external insurance policies, known as ‘With-Profit’ funds. The table below outlines the information shared by the providers of the with-profits funds, regarding the net investment returns for members invested in these arrangements.

Aviva (ex Norwich Union)

Fund option 1yr net return % 5yr net return % (p.a.)
Fund optionAviva With-Profit (NU) Standard Series 01 1yr net return %-3.0 5yr net return % (p.a.)3.3

Returns are as at 30 September 2023

Aviva (ex Friends Life)

Fund option 1yr net return % 5yr net return % (p.a.)
Fund optionAviva Secure Growth Fund (ex L&M) 1yr net return %4.81 5yr net return % (p.a.)5.44

Returns are as at 30 September 2023

Phoenix Life

Fund option 1yr net return % 5yr net return % (p.a.)
Fund optionPhoenix Life 1yr net return %2.8 5yr net return % (p.a.)1.9

Returns are as at 30 June 2023

With-Profits funds work in a different way to the other funds available through the UKRF. Savings in these funds are invested in a pool with other investors and participate in the performance of the With-Profits fund. Investment returns are ‘smoothed’, meaning that in years of high fund performance some profits (or returns) are held back with the aim that a return can continue to be paid in times of adverse investment conditions. Returns under With-Profits funds are normally passed on through the application of bonuses, and these come in the form of ‘Regular’ and ‘Final’ bonuses which vary depending on the performance of the underlying assets. The figures in the table above show the returns achieved (after charges) by the underlying assets held by each With-Profits fund. The actual returns received will be different to the figures quoted above as they depend on factors that can vary by individual investors e.g., the value of bonuses and any market value reductions applied.

Asset allocation of the default investment funds

The table below provides a summary of the assets held by the UKRF Lifestyle Fund ranges (the default investment funds) over the reporting period.

The UKRF Lifestyle Fund range (default)

Investment options Listed equities Bonds Cash Property/ real estate Other Total
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle Mature Fund Listed equities14.9% Bonds56.3% Cash25.0% Property/ real estate2.5% Other1.4% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2024 Fund Listed equities16.2% Bonds56.4% Cash23.1% Property/ real estate2.8% Other1.5% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2025 Fund Listed equities18.0% Bonds56.7% Cash20.6% Property/ real estate3.1% Other1.6% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2026 Fund Listed equities19.8% Bonds56.9% Cash18.1% Property/ real estate3.4% Other1.8% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2027 Fund Listed equities21.7% Bonds57.1% Cash15.6% Property/ real estate3.7% Other2.0% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2028 Fund Listed equities23.5% Bonds57.3% Cash13.1% Property/ real estate4.0% Other2.1% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2029 Fund Listed equities25.3% Bonds57.5% Cash10.6% Property/ real estate4.3% Other2.3% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2030 Fund Listed equities27.1% Bonds57.7% Cash8.1% Property/ real estate4.6% Other2.5% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2031 Fund Listed equities28.9% Bonds57.9% Cash5.6% Property/ real estate4.9% Other2.6% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2032 Fund Listed equities30.7% Bonds58.1% Cash3.1% Property/ real estate5.2% Other2.8% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2033 Fund Listed equities32.3% Bonds58.3% Cash0.9% Property/ real estate5.5% Other2.9% Total100.0%
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle 2034 – 2062 Funds Listed equities33.0% Bonds58.4% Cash0.0% Property/ real estate5.6% Other3.0% Total100.0%

Returns are as at 30 September 2023

The UKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Fund range (default)

Investment options Listed equities Bonds Cash Property/ real estate Other Total
Investment optionsUKRF Lifestyle (Closed) Mature Fund Listed equities0% Bonds75% Cash25% Property/ real estate0% Other0% Total100.0%

Returns are as at 30 September 2023

Note: all figures have been rounded to sum 100% and may not therefore be exact.

Note that past performance is no guide to the future and the value of investments could go down as well as up. This could mean that you get back less than you’ve invested.

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How to read the illustration tables

It is important to note that the illustration tables are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. All of the illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. In reality the value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members' retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

The illustrations also assume the investment charges and transaction costs remain the same and are deducted each year. In reality the costs and charges will fluctuate each year.

The illustrations are not designed to provide UKRF members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. DC members of the UKRF should review their latest benefit statement which is available on the .

The diagrams below show you how to read the tables.

An image showing how to read the Fund Illustration tables An image showing how to read the Fund Illustration tables

It is important to note that these illustrations are designed to show the potential impact of costs and charges on investment returns. The illustrations are not designed to provide members with a personalised projection of what their benefits may be worth at retirement. All illustrations assume a growth rate for each type of investment fund that is applied at the same rate for each year of the illustration. The value of investments and the returns they generate are not guaranteed and can go down as well as up and this risk to members’ retirement savings is not reflected in these illustrations.

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More information on the DC investment funds available for UKRF members

Where are the UKRF’s DC funds invested?

The UKRF’s DC investment funds invest in underlying pooled or collective investment funds provided by investment managers. If members would like further information on the underlying investment funds that the UKRF DC funds invest in, they are able to request it from the . They will be able to provide members with the International Securities Identification Numbers (these are unique to each individual fund) of the funds that members are invested in.

Where can members find more information on the performance of the DC investment funds?

For the latest performance figures for each fund members should go to the Investment Performance section under Investment Information on the . Past performance is not a guide to future performance and members should refer to the relevant factsheets for more information on the objectives of the funds.

Where can I find more information on the Trustee’s investment responsibilities?

The Trustee has prepared a Statement of Investment Principles which includes the Trustee's investment responsibilities, its investment strategy and approach to risk management, and how the default funds are designed and governed.

For further information, members should read Your DC Investment Guide.

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