Are you a Cameron member?
The Cameron Iron Works Retirement Benefits Plan (1974) was merged into the Schlumberger UK Pension Scheme in June 2022.
If you are a member of the Cameron Section of the Scheme then we have hosted some useful documents, including the member guide and latest newsletter, in the Cameron members Library.
Forgotten your User ID or Password?
Try our User ID reminder or Reset your Password services.
Problems logging in?
Email us at slbpensions@wtwco.com.
Reporting a death
To report the death of a member of the Schlumberger UK Pension Scheme who was not employed by SLB at the time of their death, please contact the Scheme’s administrator:
- Phone
- +44 (0) 1737 788110
- slbpensions@wtwco.com
- Address
SR43 4JU
Please note that the telephone helpline operates between 9:00am and 5:00pm (UK time), Monday to Friday, and a voice messaging service operates outside these hours.

To find out more about the Scheme and the latest funding position please read our newsletter, InStep.

The SLB UK Retirement Savings Plan
If you're looking for general information about the SLB UK Retirement Savings Plan, you can find it by visiting LifeSight.
Login to LifeSight to find out more about your Plan savings, investments and more.

The Trustees, with guidance from their professional advisers, set up and monitor the Scheme's investments on a regular basis. How well those investments perform, their charges and other aspects such as environmental, ethical or social factors affect your retirement savings.
Help with your retirement savings
If you have a question about your Scheme membership, get in touch by:
- Phone
- +44 (0) 1737 788110
- slbpensions@wtwco.com
Please note that the telephone helpline operates between 9:00am and 5:00pm (UK time), Monday to Friday, and a voice messaging service operates outside these hours.
The SLB UK Retirement Savings Plan
- lifesightsupport@wtwco.com
- Phone
- +44 (0) 1737 788110
SW Master Trust
If your Scheme is not listed, please contact