The Trustees have prepared a Statement of Investment Principles (SIP), which governs investment decisions and sets out the main factors the Trustees consider when making their decisions.

How do the Trustees decide what investments the Scheme should offer?

The SIP sets out the Trustees’ aims and objectives for the Scheme’s investments including their principles for:

  • Type of investments
  • Mix between the different kinds of investment
  • Risks, including how these are measured and managed
  • Fund objectives (including the default option) and expected returns
  • Selling investments, and
  • The extent to which social, environmental or ethical factors are considered in the buying, retention and selling of investments.

It also explains how the default investment option aims to ensure that money is invested in the best interests of members and beneficiaries.

Find out more

You can find out more about the principles the Trustees apply to the Scheme’s investments in its Statement of Investment Principles.

Implementation Statement

There is a requirement for the Scheme’s Trustees, to produce an annual Implementation Statement. This important governance document sets out the Trustees’ adherence to the voting and engagement policies which are stated in the Trustees’ Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) for the underlying investments of the Scheme.

Our environmental values

The Trustees are committed to ensuring that the Scheme is as environmentally responsible as possible. Due to the size of the Scheme, we are required to tell you about how our investment choices for the Scheme’s assets affect the environment.

Our Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) document shows how our investments align with our environmental values.