How your Trustees help you

The NatWest Group Pension Fund is looked after by the Trustee Board.

The Trustee Board’s role is to manage the Fund. It’s responsible for making sure that the Fund is run well and managed to a high standard, and that members’ benefits are paid according to the Trust Deed & Rules.

How the Trustee Board works

The Trustee Board has 3 committees, each responsible for managing a different area of the Fund:

  • Member Experience Committee (MEXCO)
  • Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO)
  • Risk & Audit Committee (RAC)

The Trustee Board is also supported day-to-day by the RBS Investment Executive Ltd (RIEL). This group was set up in 2010 to support the Trustees in managing the Fund’s assets. It’s made up of 9 employees, led by the Chief Investment Officer and the Chief Executive Officer of the Fund.

Who sits on the Trustee Board

The Trustee Board is made up of 10 Trustee Directors. 4 of these Directors are appointed by a selection process. The bank nominates the other 6 – and 3 of those 6 are independent Trustees.

The Trustee Directors must work together in the areas of investment, funding, risk management and administration.

The Trustee Board

Joanna Matthews

Joanna Matthews

  • Chair (from March 2022)
  • Independent Trustee
  • Appointed September 2020
Peter Walker

Peter Walker

  • Member-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed March 2018
Nick Mustoe

Nick Mustoe

  • Bank-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed March 2022
David England

David England

  • Member-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed March 2018
Vivien Cockerill

Vivien Cockerill

  • Independent Trustee
  • Appointed June 2022
Victoria North

Victoria North

  • Bank-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed December 2016

Matt Waymark

  • Bank-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed July 2024

Stuart Foster

  • Bank-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed June 2023

Caroline Rainbird

  • Member-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed July 2024
Doug Heron

Doug Heron

  • Member-nominated Trustee
  • Appointed March 2020
Wendy Tavendale

Wendy Tavendale

  • Fund Secretary
  • Committees

The Trustee Board has 3 standing committees: the Member Experience Committee, the Asset & Liability Committee and the Risk & Audit Committee. The Trustee Board and its committees are also supported by external advisers.

RBS Investment Executive Limited

The Trustee Board is supported by RBS Investment Executive Ltd (RIEL), a team of 9 employees headed by the Chief Executive Officer.

Robert Chestnutt

Robert Chestnutt

Chief Executive Officer

Nic Barnes

Nic Barnes

Chief Investment Officer

Nathan Townsend

Nathan Townsend

Head of Legal, Compliance and Operational Risk

Lorna Stewart Hussey

Lorna Stewart Hussey

Head of Pensions Administration