Step 1 - Notify us of the bereavement

The asterisk * highlights the information that is mandatory.

Your Details
Details of the person who has passed away

To help us identify the person that has passed away, please always provide the name of the pension scheme they belonged to, their full name, address and postcode together with their Date of Birth or National Insurance Number / PPS Number.

Next of Kin Information
If Other, please provide details below
Details of the person dealing with the Estate

Please provide details of the person/company dealing with the Estate (complete this where a person/company has been appointed to act on behalf of the next of kin).

  • 0/1000

Thank you for taking the time to notify us of this bereavement.

What happens next?

Upon clicking 'send' our Bereavement Support Service will receive the notification and start processing this. One of our checks includes verifying the death has been officially registered, this can take up to 10 working days. We will be in touch to request further documents but in the meantime, please take a look at our Useful Checklist page to help you prepare the documents that we might need to see.