UBS UK Benefits Portal

Please use your logon and password to access this site. Should you wish to speak to us about your ValueFlex benefits or logging on, please contact the UBS Benefits Centre by calling 01737 227527 (+44 1737 227527 from overseas) between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. A voice message service operates outside of these hours. If you leave a message please state your name, contact telephone number and GPN.

Please note that you will need your NI Number to be able to continue through security checks when calling the UBS Benefits Centre for any personal information.

Alternatively you can email any ValueFlex related enquiries to Pensions queries can be sent to

Please note:

If you are a deferred member of the Scheme or a pensioner, your logon will be your GPN prefixed with the letters UBSP, for example: UBSP12345678.


Please note that your password is cAsE sEnSiTiVe.