For members of the Vodafone Group Pension Scheme (VGPS)

Welcome to ePA, your VGPS pension account portal

The Vodafone Group Pension Scheme (VGPS) pension account portal is where you'll find the personalised information you need about your pension benefits and how you can use them at retirement. It is provided by the administrator of the VGPS, Willis Towers Watson.

Simply login and get access to:

  • The value of your benefits
  • Your annual benefits statement
  • Your retirement options
  • Update your contact details
  • Update your beneficiaries
  • And much more...

ePA login video

If you’re unsure about how to login to your VGPS pension account portal, simply watch this video to find out how.

For members of the VGPS

Login to your pension account (ePA)

If you are on a Vodafone internal network in the office or via VPN

Direct access to ePA

Or enter your user ID and password

Forgotten your User ID or Password?

Try our User ID reminder or Reset your Password services.

New to the site or unsuccessful with the options above?
Please try our Account Recovery service instead.

Problems logging in?

Email us at

General Scheme information

If you're looking for general information about the Scheme, without the need to login, why not visit the Vodafone Pensions website? You'll find information about the VGPS, Scheme documents and booklets, forms, information about the Trustee Board and more.

Visit the Vodafone Pension website

LifeSight - the DC pension plan

If you're looking for general information about the DC pension plan with LifeSight, you can find it by visiting the Vodafone Pensions website.

Visit the Vodafone Pensions website

If you want personalised information on your DC pension, you can login to LifeSight to get that.

Login to LifeSight