Don't let a scammer enjoy your retirement!
Sadly, there are people out there who try and scam those with retirement benefits out of their savings.
Often this involves transferring money offshore with the promise of accessing it tax-free in return for a fee. This cannot be done. You will not only be out of pocket on the fee, but you'll also face a hefty tax bill.
This is just one way that scammers try to get to your hard-earned retirement funds.
Banking scams are also on the rise, with an increase in reports of 'number spoofing'. This is when scammers change the telephone number and/or name on the Caller ID information to disguise their identity and pose as representatives from your bank, building society or credit card company. The best advice is to never trust a cold call – simply hang up and do not reveal any personal information.
More support and information about bank scams can be found on:
Similarly, with pensions, if you get a cold call about your pension, it's almost certainly a scam. Find out more about protecting yourself against pension scams below.

Scams video
Watch this 1-minute video from the Pensions Regulator and Financial Conduct Authority then read the information on the right to find out more.

Scams booklet
The Pension Regulator has put together a helpful booklet that you can read online, print or download as a PDF.

Scam webpages
The Pension Regulator's website and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ScamSmart pages have lots of useful tips on avoiding scams.