Only 25% of the Benefits Fair attendees who had a go at the Trustee's pension investment quiz in June got all three answers correct. How will you fare with our new pension awareness quiz?

1. True or false: The default pension contribution provided by UBS to active members through ValueFlex will definitely be enough to fund a comfortable retirement.

2. The UBS Scheme investment options include:

3. According to the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) Retirement Living Standards, the amount an individual needs per year to achieve a moderate living standard in retirement is:

0 – 1 out of 3 Pension Novice

Tune in to tune up your pension knowledge with resources and education sessions at Get an understanding of the basics of the UBS Scheme with Pension Bytes.

2 out of 3 Pension Aware

Not bad! Build up your knowledge with resources and education sessions at and via the UBS Portal

3 out of 3 Ultimate Pension Geek

You’re almost ready to join the Pension Geeks! Increase your pension prowess with Pension Geek tips at

This quiz applies to members of the ValueFlex Defined Contribution Section of the UBS (UK) Pension & Life Assurance Scheme. The answers given are short overviews of the topics for information and guidance purposes only and should not be treated as advice.

The information should not be solely relied on to make investment or other decisions about your pension. It is recommended that you seek independent financial advice before making any important decisions about your retirement savings. For full details of the pension Scheme, please refer to the formal Scheme documentation such as the Scheme Guide, the DC Investment Guide, and the Scheme FAQs, all of which are available on the UBS Portal.